Neil Goldberg

New Year's Greeting Card by M.C. Escher

I actually think I'm not particularly delusiastic. While I get excited about certain ideas, I tend to lose confidence pretty quickly, especially when it comes to my creative work. (Now you know why I came up with the one-sentence story. Keeping it short meant I could easily finish a story before I lost confidence in my concept.) I recently told Brad that I realized I was more delusional about my enthusiasm—that when I became enthusiastic about something I had the delusion I would be able to sustain that enthusiasm despite my previous experiences—rather than experiencing delusional enthusiasm (see Delusiastic!: The Origin Story). And the reason I started this bog was that I felt that having an audience for my writing—however small—might help me sustain my enthusiasm, if not my delusiasm. (Thank you, readers! Having your support really does help me.)

So I guess I'd have to say delusiasm is something that I aspire to and that I've been making tentative efforts in that direction. All of this is a roundabout way of explaining how I met Neil Goldberg and why I'm going to feature some of his photographs on this blog.

The night before this blog went live was New Year's Eve and Brad and I went to party at a neighbor's house. And that's where I met Neil. We connected right away because we had a lot of interests in common. But I think he became especially intrigued with me when I told him about my project for the new year: Delusiastic! He, too, had embarked on a new project, trying to finish an ambitious book on design. And he understood that some level of delusiasm is needed to sustain a project like that.

After we rang in the new year, Neil and I decided to meet up again to discuss delusiasm as well as our many mutual interests (and of course I always have advice for anyone who is trying to write a book). On our second meeting, he mentioned he was being distracted from his writing by his photography. What!?! 

After he explained what he was up to with his photography and why it was distracting him from writing his book, I said to him, you know, when I created the blog (see Delusiastic!: The Origin Story, I thought I might also use it to share the work of other people I admire. So why don't I share some of your work there? That's delusiastic, right?

So tomorrow will be the first post on this blog by Neil....

by Nina Zolotow

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